1902 “Im Strome verloren. Gedichte” (Lost in the Stream. Poems) His first published book of poetry.
1909 “Zwischen zwei Städten. Buch Gedichte im Gang einer Entwicklung” (Between Two Cities. A Book of Poems in the Process of Development) Publisher: Fleischel 1909, Berlin
1912 “Hör mich reden, Anna-Maria” (Listen to Me as I Talk, Anna-Maria) Publisher: Fleischel 1912, Berlin.
1914 “Der Streik im Strafrecht”(The Strike in Criminal Law) His dissertation was accepted despite criticism for his referring to communist literature in a scientific project, but graded with‘suma cum laude’ by his professors.
1917 “Antlitz der Städte” (Face of the Cities) Written between 1909 and 1913, which established his reputation as one of the promising pre-expressionist poets. Publisher: Fleischel 1917, Berlin.
1919 “Der Weg ohne Heimkehr. Ein Martyrium in Briefen” (The Road of no Return: An Ordeal in Letters) Publisher: Fleischel 1919, Berlin.
1919 “Open Letter to President Woodrow Wilson” published in “Berliner Tagblatt” (Feb. 23, 1919). In an open letter, which was submitted to American President Woodrow Wilson at the peace conference of 1919, Wegner protested the atrocities perpetrated by the Turkish army against the Armenian people, and appealed for the creation of an independent Armenian state.
1920 “Im Hause der Glückseligkeit, Aufzeichnungen aus der Türkei” (At the Home of Happiness: Chronicles from Turkey) Publisher: Sibyllen-Verlag 1920, Dresden.
1921 “Der Knabe Hüssein. Türkische Novellen”(The Lad Hussein. Turkisch Novels) Publisher: Sibyllen-Verlag Dresden,1921.
1921 “Der Ankläger. Aufrufe zur Revolution” (The Accuser. Calling for a Revolution) Publisher: Verlag Der Syndikalst Berlin, 1921.
1921 “Der Prozeß Talaat Pascha”(The Trial of Talaat Pasha) Publisher: Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft für Politik und Geschichte, Berlin, 1921.
1921 “Die Straße mit den tausend Zielen” (The Road with a Thousand Destinations) Publisher: Sibyllen-Verlag Dresden,1921.
1922 “Der Schrei vom Ararat” (The Scream from Ararat) “Die Verbrechen der Stunde- die Verbrechen der Ewigkeit. Drei Reden wider die Gewalt” (The Crime of the Hour – The Crime of the Eternity. Three Orations against Violence) Publisher: Verlag Bund Neues Vaterland 1922, Berlin. An important appeal for the rights of the Armenians.
1924 “The Expulsion” (never completed.) precedence in subject matter over Franz Werfel, author of “The Forty Days of Mussa Dagh”. He began writing an epic in three volumes about the destiny of Armenia and Turkey. Based on the Armenian tragedy and on Twentieth Century Armenia the novel was to be entitled “The expulsion”, of which he managed to complete the first volume only (unpublished). In 1932 in a protest letter he would claim the right to precedence in subject matter over Franz Werfel, who had access to his notes, author of “The Forty Days of Mussa Dagh”. (cf.. Deutsches Literaturarchiv, Letter from Wegner to Werfel dated Dec. 14,1932).
1926 “Das Zelt. Aufzeichnungen, Briefe, Erzählungen aus der Türkei.Eine Auswahl” Publisher: Büchergilde Gutenberg, 1926.
1926 “Wasif und Akif oder Die Frau mit zwei Ehemännern. Ein türkisches Puppenspiel in 8 Bildern (gemeinsam mit Lola Landau)” (Wasif and Akif or the Woman with Two Husbands. A Turkish Puppet Show) Berlin: Osterheld, 1926.
1928 “Wie ich Stierkämpfer wurde – und andere Erzählungen” (How I Became a Bullfighter – and Other Tales) Publisher: Weltgeist-Bücher Verlags-Gesellschaft 1928.
1929 “Fünf Finger über Dir. Bekenntnis eines Menschen in dieser Zeit” (Five Fingers Over You. Confession of a Human Being of These Days) Publisher: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, Stuttgart, Berlin und Leipzig, 1929. Wegner reached the height of his success as a writer. He became a celebrity with his Russian book, which foresaw the advent of Stalinism.
1929 “Moni oder die Welt von unten. Roman eines Kindes” (Moni or the World Underneath. Novel of a Child) Publisher: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, Stuttgart, Berlin und Leipzig, 1929.
1930 “Am Kreuzweg der Welten. Eine Reise vom Kaspischen Meer zum Nil” (In the Crossroad of Worlds – A Journey from Caspian Sea to the Nile) Publisher: Volksverband der Bücherfreunde – Wegweiser-Verlag. Berlin, 1930.
1932 “Maschinen im Märchenland -Tausend Kilometer durch die meso-potamische Wüste” (Mashines in Fairy-Tale-Land. A Thousand Kilometers Through the Mesopotamian Desert) Publisher: Sibyllen-Verlag Berlin,1932.
1932 “Jagd durch das tausenjährige Land” (Chasing Through the Thousand-year-old Country) Publisher: Büchergilde Gutenberg, Berlin 1932.
1933 Brief an Hitler “Herr Reichskanzler! Ich fordere Sie auf, der beginnenden Judenverfolgung Einhalt zu gebieten” (Letter to Hitler: Mr. Chancellor, I de-mand that you impose a stop to the persecution of Jews).
1952 “Die Silberspur. Wunder der Welt auf der Fahrt durch neun Meere” (The Silver Trail. Wonders of the World on the Voyage through Nine Seas) Publisher: Büchergilde Gutenberg, Frankfurt am Main, 1952. This was the first publication in German Federal Republic (GFR) Under the pseudonym Johannes Selbdritt.
1974 “Fällst du, umarme auch die Erde, oder, Der Mann, der an das Wort glaubt” ( If You Fall, Embrace as Well the Earth, or The Man, Who Believes in Pledge) Publisher: Peter Hammer Verlag, Wuppertal, 1974.
1976 “Odyssee der Seele. Ausgewählte Werke” (Odyssey of the Soul. Selected Works) Publisher: Peter Hammer Verlag, Wupertal, 1976.
1999 “Welt vorbei”- Die KZ-Briefe 1933/1934 (Gone Away World – The Concentration Camp Letters 1933/1934) Publisher: Verlag Das Arsenal, Berlin 1999. Edited by Thomas Hartwig.
2011 “Armin T. Wegner – Die Austreibung des armenischen Volkes in die Wüste”, 215 pages, Publisher: Wallstein Verlag Göttingen. Editor: Prof. Dr. Andreas Meier.